Freezer Scene
After our tutorial we each chose an idea and each looked int different ideas for scenes. We were most keen on the idea of having a man tied up in the boot of a car with the femme fatale character standing close by smoking or something along these lines. We decided to look at other ideas anyway just incase it is not possible to recreate a car in the studio.

I started by looking at having a man tied up in freezer. This would be a fairly modern interpretation of a film noir scene and is would be more a combination of film noir characters and a modern horror scene. I thought that we could maybe have the women opening the freezer door and looking inside at he kidnap victim. The location would probably have to be something like a basement or a utility room as it is isolated but still a room that a freezer would actually be found.
This images shows how we wish the man to be seen. He would have be be tied u and perhaps gagged or blindfolded to make the situation obvious to the viewer. We also discussed maybe having a lipstick mark lift n his cheek to show the way that the femme fetale has used her sexuality to get the man in this predicament. We also want our male character to be wearing a suit but need to decided if we want his to look as if he has just been roughed up a bit or if we want him to still appear in pristine condition.

If we did have the man in a freezer we would have to experiment with ways to make him look frozen like in the image above. The best way to do this would probably be to get our make up artist to make him extremely pale with slightly blue lips an then cover him fine ice not just on his clothing but also hair eyebrows etc.
I found this image above from the scene in the channel 4 series misfits. This shows a character standing above the open freezing with a body in it. I chose to look at this image because of the lighting. I we chose to create a scene like this we could make it seem like all of our light is sourced from the freezer as it created a glow on the face on the person looking into it. I think that it could create a dark atmosphere and really bring the viewers attention the the face of the murderer and draw them into the emotion on the image.
Rise and Fall of Idi Amin
This image is from the film 'Rise and Fall of Idi Amin'. This is quite far from our original idea of a kidnapped man but was something i came across when looking at images of frozen people. The idea of just using a head could be quite easily done in the studio as we could just have a board or something covering the body for example if the head was inside a kitchen cupboard we could have the body standing behind the board (wall) then have a hole cut for the head to pop though. If we used this idea though I think that it would be more fitted to a twisted 50's housewife scene as it would be set in a kitchen which would then mean completely reevaluating our characters and narrative.
Bathroom scene
Whilst looking at the freezer scene it gave me the idea to also look at other kidnap type scenes we could create within a house. Below are examples of 50's bathrooms.
Here i have done two very rough mock u images of how we could create kidnap scenes in bathroom. The most obvious place to have the tied up body would be in the bath as it is the right size and shape. In the first mock up image i have the women perched on the sink and have chosen an image where her leg are cross so that her stockings will be an obvious feature to show the element of seduction.
In the second mock up below I decided to play on the idea that a bathroom in a room that a women gets ready in. By having the women touching up her make up in this scene it would show that she is in complete control of the situation and is not worried about the man that she has tied up. I love this as it really shows the characteristics and power of the female character.
Basement scene
After suggesting that the freezer scene could be located in a basement I thought that it could be an idea to look into further. Basements are often used in horror film and in kidnap scenes as they are underground and hidden and seperate from the conventional areas of the house. The main problem with setting our scene n a basement is that it may contradict with our female character. Is it really a place that we can see her being? They are often dingy and dirty in films and that is not the sort of place that you would expect to see a beautiful women in heels and a fur coat.
Here is a quick mock up of how a basement scene could be set our with the male character tied to a chair and female in a strong a confident pose by the stair case.