Environment: Landscape


 For my environment images I am going to take photos of typical landscape locations and then erase parts of the landscape by damaging the negatives in various ways. I am lucky that i live in Kent as it is known as the 'garden of england'.Medway, Although largely inhabbited also is also surrounded by countryside making it perfect for this shoot.

 Terry Grundy

 'The walk home'

Terry Grundy Is an english painter that was born in 1956. His paintings are of English landscapes which he has a passion for. This is shown in him attention to detail within his oil paintings. With my photos i hope to capture my photographs in a similar way to his paintings by emphisising the beauty of the landscape with colour and detail. If i were to do my shoot in black and white it would not be convaying the same message. 

'As far as the eye can see'

The way that the paintings are from an angle where you appear to be looking down has a large impact on Grundys paintings. It allows you to see beyond what you could if your were standing on a leveled surface. It also creates an overlapping of the various trees and fields. This has made me think that it would benifit my images if i were to photograph from a high location such as a hill or cliff.

'Open gate'

Although my final prints will be showing the unappriciation of landscape and Grundys show his appriciation, my original photos (before i tamper with them) are going to have the same concept. When on my shoot i shall look to Grundys paintings for inspiration, not only for location but for camera angle and colour.

Tacita Dean


Above is Tacita Deans photograph 'majesty' that was exibited in 2006. Dean started by photographing some of the largest oak trees that she could find in the southeast of England. She printed these black and white images on four overlapping sections of fibre based paper.The suroundings of the main tree were overpainted with wwhite gouache. This has been done to isolate the structure and form of the tree.

Although the intentions of this image are the oppostite to what i am hoping to create, I find it interesting how Dean has altered the photograph directly and not by computer or camera manipulation.This is what i am planning to do when i change my images my altering my negatives.