
Object Brief:

For this project the brief is to develop a concept and eventually construct a still life photograph that will be inspired by our chosen concept. We can choose any issue whether it is global, local or personal which i find interesting as it allows us to take the project in any direction. 

I plan to research both traditional still life paintings and modern still life photographers. I may also look into other art forms that have based their work upon the concept I have chosen so that i can look at a variety of interpretations.

Along side this project we shall learn about depth of field and visual hierachy, perspective, focal length and studio lighting. We will also have technical inductions that will allow us to use black and white and colour film processing, printing and 5x4 and medium format cameras. 

Each decission that we make technically, such as lighting and camera position will be a crutial part of our final images as the visual language is equally as important as the choice of concept and objects.