Sunday 19 February 2012

Commission Task (Harry Scott's Research)

Research task

For this task I have been paired with Harry Scott. We had to discuss our ideas for our commission project and once we have an understanding of our partners work we then go on to research three artists that we feel are relevant and could be beneficial. He described his idea as 'the waste of land for the almost fake need of chain food and meat'. Firstly I am going to research the effect that livestock has on the land as it is not a subject that I know much about but also to find information and statistics that could be useful to Harry. I shall then look at green peace as they had a campaign on this specific issue. Finally I hope to find photographers and artists that could be of use.

FAO News Room

Although the main aim of this task was to look at art forms that have explored are partners chosen subject Harry wanted me to also look at the statistics of the impact that the increasing amount of livestock is having.

FAO news room was a good source of information when looking for statistics on the affects of lives stock. On the website it said that 'Livestock now use 30 percent of the earth’s entire land surface, mostly permanent pasture but also including 33 percent of the global arable land used to producing feed for livestock, the report notes. As forests are cleared to create new pastures, it is a major driver of deforestation, especially in Latin America where, for example, some 70 percent of former forests in the Amazon have been turned over to grazing'. 

'Global meat production is projected to more than double from 229 million tonnes in 1999/2001 to 465 million tonnes in 2050, while milk output is set to climb from 580 to 1043 million tonnes'. 

I found this image below on the Green peace website of a large area used for livestock photographed from above. I think this kind of shot is far more effective than it would be if it was taken from the ground as it shows the grosse amount cows that being farmed for food and how much land they are actually taking up. The united nations food and agriculture organisation have said that the livestock sector generates more greenhouse gas emissions than transport. It is also apparently a major source of water degradation so these might be other directions to take with the project as well as looking at the use of land.

Green peace

Green peace campaigned against the destruction of the rainforest due to cattle ranching which they say now covers nearly 80% of deforested amazon land. When Harry was telling me about his idea he spoke mainly of how the cattle was to produce food but leather is also a huge contributor so could be beneficial to research into as well as meat production.

Green peace organised a fashion show and photo shoot during 'Linea Pelle' which is the largest leather industry fair. Their campaign was called 'Slaughtering the amazon' as the purpose was to link leather production to the destruction of the rainforest. They did this through their clothing by using recycled materials as an alternative to leather.

The executive director if Green peace is is calling it "a significant victory in the fight to save the Amazon". in result of their efforts four of the largest cattle companies in the world are joining forces to ban the purchase of cattle from areas of cleared rainforest in Brazil. I think that this is a positive approach to the issue as instead of presenting the viewer with the effects of mass meat and leather production, it instead presents them with alternatives and a way to move forward. This could be a different angle for Harry to take for his project but it depends on the message that he is trying to put across.
Denis Darzacq

Consumerism is a huge part of the issue that Harrys idea is based on as there would not be such a high demand for livestock if people would stop consuming so much of it. We have reached a point within the development of meat and protein supplements where as humans many of us would be able to sustain a diet without meat. This make the fact that people are increasing their meat and dairy consumption every year just seems completely unnecessary. 
This lead me to research photographers that had looked at anti consumerism. I found These images above from his series 'Hyper' taken by Denis Darzacq. He has photographed street dancers in various poses in supermarket isles and makes them appear to be levitating. By not showing the models face he has taken away their individuality. This along with the way that they appear to be floating through the store as if they are not in control is symbolic of mindless consumerism. This is the issue with our current society as we over consume meat without considering the repercussions purely because that is what we consider to be normal and do not stop to question it. 
        I think that consumerism could be a interesting approach to this topic as it is the part of this whole cycle that people especially in countries that are not directly effected by deforestation and land waste will be able to relate to. This of course depends on the message that Harry wants to make through his imagery and the audience that he is targeting. 

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